Registration of YZF-R125


1. Registration of 125cc in Japan

This is a continuation of the previous maintenance record ‘Inspection of delivered moto’.

As I bought it from a shop far away, I have to obtain the license plate myself.

The 125cc is categorized as ‘第二種原動機付自転車’ in Japan, so registration is not at the Land Transport Bureau but at the local government office (town hall).
It is very easy as there are no inspections, etc. and you just have to submit sales certificate (included in special form ‘軽自動車税申告書兼標識交付申請書’).
There is nothing wrong with being an imported vehicle.

Here I will summarize the following.

  • Documents and other information required for registration.
  • The registration procedure.
  • Installation of number plates.
Date9th March 2021
Shop or DIYDIY
Working hours1
Costs0 Yen (Use of owned tools)

2. Number Registration


Required documents, etc.

The first step is to prepare the necessary documents for registration.

  • Sales certificate(軽自動車税申告書兼標識交付申請書)
    …Obtained from the shop where the moto was purchased.
  • Identification document (e.g. driver’s license)
  • Stamp



Formalities at the town hall

I visit to the town hall first thing in the morning to complete the procedures at the tax department.

The application form ‘軽自動車税申告書兼標識交付申請書’ is a form from the shop’s local town hall.
At first I wasn’t sure if I could use it, but after filling in the necessary information, they processed it.
I thought, “How flexible they are,” but I guess that’s the normal procedure.

<Number certificate and number plate>

The town hall staff will enter the information into the computer.
Within 10 minutes, I was given a certificate ‘軽自動車税 標識交付証明書’ and a pink number plate.
Then, after checking the name and number in the handwritten ledger, I stamped on it and the process ended without incident.

No fee was charged.
However, we cannot get the number you want.
If you register your moto after 2 April, you will not receive a payment slip for tax until next year, but I wanted to ride it and check its condition, so I reported it.


Attach liability sticker

<Attach liability sticker>

A liability insurance sticker is attached to the number plate.

I could have bought in for five years, but it’s a one-year policy because of the hassle of dealing with the shop.
I have to remember to pay next year…


Obtained number plate

<Obtained number plate and bots/nuts>

I forgot to mention in STEP 2 that I also received bolts and nuts along with the number.
I will use the new ones as it is a good opportunity.


Bolts and nuts removal

<Bolts/nuts removal on the bracket>

Remove the number plate bolts/nuts that was attached to the moto when it was delivered.
Remove them with a ratchet wrench with a socket (10 mm) + extension bar (50 mm) while holding them with a 10 mm spanner.

The nut is located slightly further back and the ratchet wrench hits the moto body, making it difficult to turn it straight, so it was a surprisingly difficult task.


Comparison of old and new number plate bolts and nuts

<Removed number plate bolts and nuts>

Left: Old
Right: New

The one I removed had tar-like dirt and grit on it.
As there is no flap guard like the genuine number stay, sand grains and other grit bounced up from the road surface may be all over them.


Number plate mounting

<Number plate mounting>

Attach the number plate to the number plate bracket.
Tighten the bolts/nuts in the same way as when they were removed.


Installed number plate

<Installed number plate>

As is my habit, I stick a liability sticker on the position where the washer hangs.
It is difficult to peel off, so perhaps it will prevent some mischief?

3. Summary

I can now drive on public roads in the clear.
But the angle of the number plate is a bit…
I can’t ride it to work.

I wanted to go for a test run as soon as possible, but I have to leave it until the weekend as I have to work now.

Summary of 125cc registration
  • Obtain a Form ‘軽自動車税申告書兼標識交付申請書’ in advance from the shop where you purchased the vehicle.
    (The shop’s local form is OK)
  • Register your 125cc at your local town hall.
    (My town hall was the tax department)
  • If you register after 2 April, you will not receive a tax payment slip until next year.

Tools used in this operation:

No.NameManufacturerPart numberQuantityAmount [Yen]
145°Long box wrenchKTCM25-8X1011,650
29.5sq. Ratchet handleKTCBR3E15,620
39.5sq. Quick spinnerKTCBE3-Q11,860
49.5sq. Extension bar (50mm)KTCBE3-05011,310
59.5sq. Socket (Hexagonal) (10mm)KTCB3-101800
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